In the past, home automation or control systems have been a daunting time consuming and costly undertaking. With the ELAN Home Systems we can now control one or all of your home's systems while still keeping everything affordable. ELAN gives you the freedom to access anything you would access from inside your home while you are on the go. Checking on the kids, arming the security system, turning off the air or just turning off the TV that got left on can all be accomplished from anywhere in the world. While some control systems will limit you to only Apple devices, or require a custom template be made for each new device, ELAN gives you the ability to control your home from your iOS (iPhone, iPad, iTouch), Android or an in-wall touchpanel all while using the same interface across all devices. Even our On Screen Display uses the same template as our other devices!
Give us a call and schedule a time to come and view our live Demo system and see the possibilities ELAN can give you.

Configure the features you want right here.
Check the weather.
Even view traffic cams.
Enjoy audiophile sound for music, movies, TV.
Get an unlimited supply of music from the Cloud.
Watch what you want, where you want, when you want.
Lock or unlock doors with your iPhone.
Make the house looked lived in even when you are not home.
Close the garage door from the couch.
Keep an eye on the utility bill without working at it.
Turn up the heat before you get home from a trip.
Remotely access and control your vacation home.
Turn the lights off with one button press.
Set the mood with special lighting.
Control lighting while you are away.
Adjust schedules to protect landscaping, conserve water.
Respond to weather forecasts from your sofa.
Automatically adjust for the seasons.
Call the family to dinner.
Create a virtual bulletin board for your family.
Get alerts to your phone or email.
Monitor pool "health."
Adjust schedules to conserve energy.
Set just spa temperature and lighting remotely for when you arrive home.
Make sure the kids are safe and at home.
Look around the house, even when you are not there.
Keep tabs on your vacation home.